
Welcome to BoclinkVn - a premier link-shortening service! To ensure transparency and mutual understanding regarding the responsibilities of both our users and our service, we present the following disclaimer:

1. User Responsibility:
  - All content, links, or information created and shared through our service is the sole responsibility of the user who created it.
  - We do not control, assume responsibility for, or endorse any specific content created and shared by users.

2. Prohibited Content:
  - We strictly discourage and do not support any illegal activity in connection with the use of our service.
  - Any violations fall outside our scope of operations and will be subject to legal action.

3. Security and Privacy:
  - We are committed to protecting users' personal information but cannot be held responsible for any loss, interference, or unauthorized access to personal data.

4. Encouragement for Responsible Use:
  - We encourage all users to utilize our service responsibly and in compliance with the stated terms and conditions.
  - Users should use this service with lawful intentions and adhere to all legal regulations.

Thank you for trusting and using BoclinkVn. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us. We are always ready to assist!

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🎉 Chúc mừng năm mới Ất Tỵ 2025! 🎉